Accumulated visits: 1992 Number of instruments: 79 units.
In sunlight, volatile organic compounds react with nitrogen oxides emitted primarily from vehicles, power plants and industrial activities to form ground-level ozone. As we all know, stratospheric ozone is a biologically critical UV absorber that protects the planet.
Like other air pollutants, the sources of VOCs are divided into natural and anthropogenic sources. Below are some common natural sources of VOCs.
VOC is the abbreviation of Volatile Organic Compound. Different countries and organizations have slightly different definitions of VOC
Currently the mainstream ambient air quality monitoring sites are of the following types: 1. Urban ambient air quality assessment points: monitoring points set up for the purpose of monitoring the overall status and changing trends of air quality in urban built-up areas, mainly for participating in urban ambient air quality assessments;
Sample preparation plays a very important role in chemical analysis. Sample pretreatment accounts for 60% of the entire analysis process
Each element lamp needs to be preheated after it is replaced. Normally, it should be within 30 minutes. The sample test can be performed after the preheating.
The replacement of the gas chromatography septum needs to be determined according to the performance of the instrument itself and the number of samples to be tested.
The chromatographic column should be placed in a dry and dust-proof place daily. If the chromatographic column is contaminated, it needs to be re-aged according to the aging procedures of different chromatographic columns. Note: The detector cannot be connected during the aging process, otherwise the contaminants in the column will enter the detector during the aging process , thereby contaminating the detector.